
Science and Fiction JE 35

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Journal entry; you are...where?

Not that I'm entirely sure how it came around to it but I seemed to remember there being a whole lot of talking, cussing and even a few threats before I found myself standing before a rather disgusted Sunstreaker.
The look on his face had been priceless when I had come crawling out of Barricade's carrying hold.  Even better when he realized I was the one he had 'sensed'.  Almost think he'd rather it had been Barricade.

~Aurian Fae


Aurian was anything but stable but she would not stand down, couldn't stand down.  Barricade was in trouble and she had to do something to help him until the others could get there, so she was trying to convince Sunstreaker to help her help him.
"Like Pit."  He stated firmly, sneering at the little creature before him.
"Don't call me that!"  The mech leaned close to the woman as he snarled the warning.  He had told her several times already that if she valued her life she would not call him that but she insisted.
"Sorry, habit.  If he doesn't get help he's going to die."  She considered the struggling mech not too far from her.  Shortly after they had made their escape and deemed that they had lost any pursuers, hiding away in a rather dense pine forest, Barricade had collapsed and had not been able to rise again.
"And your point is?"
Aurian wondered briefly if Sunstreaker knew what 'die' meant, after all the mech had just downloaded the English language not even an hour ago.  It had taken Optimus sending him a direct order to do so before he consented.  "Deactivate.  He'll deactivate."  She corrected.
"Yeah?"  He seemed to be expecting more.
"Damn it you're such an aft!"  Aurian really wanted to punch the mech as hard as she could, even almost followed through with the thought but she suddenly found herself hanging upside down by her foot several feet in the air.  "What the Hell!?"
"What is this?"  Sideswipe considered a tear in the creatures covering where a familiar image had peaked through.  "You're aligned with the Autobots?"
Aurian went limp for a second, "Oh, that."  A mischievous smile crept onto her face, "You might say that."
Sunstreaker drew the woman up further so that he could look at her face closer, never mind that she was upside down.  "You don't look like an Autobot."  His gaze shifted once again to look over this thing he held so offensively by one of its small appendages.
"And you don't act like an Autobot.  What's your point?"  She waived her hands slightly with her frustration.
Capturing one of the flailing arms Sunstreaker examined a mark on this creature's palm.  "Where did you get this?"  He asked accusingly.
Aurian tried to pull her hand away to see what he was talking about.  There was a burn mark on that hand from where she had touched Sideswipe when he had first crashed to Earth, something she had barely even thought about since it had quit hurting.  "Sideswipe."  She stated flatly.  It really was getting annoying dealing with all of Sunstreaker's demanding questions and lack of response to what she asked of him.  "We don't have time for this, please..."
"Hmph."  Uninterested in what the woman would say, again, Sunstreaker dropped her a few feet from the ground and turned to walk away examining his hand as though it might have become contaminated.  "I'm not helping a 'Con."
Aurian lay where she landed for a moment, her body agreeing with the less demanding position.  She was fighting nausea and dizziness constantly, she felt weak and shaky and she hurt.  Nothing about this was good.
A sputtering sound encouraged her to roll over to examine the object of her current concerns.  Barricade's intakes were drowning in his own fluids.  With a groan and every muscle in her body thoroughly protesting she pushed herself to her hands and knees.  "'Cade?  You still with me?"
The mech did not answer directly but a faint twitch was enough for Aurian to know he was still alive and conscious.  "Sideswipe?"  She sought out his familiar presence in her mind, maybe he could get to Ratchet and they could help her do what she needed to do to save him.  "Sides?"  Silence.  Fear began to rise inside her, why wasn't he answering?  Now that Sunstreaker was here was the bond broken?  "Please..?"  She begged.  Still nothing.
Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath Aurian forced herself to take control, pushing all her emotions away.  It didn't matter that at this very moment she felt abandoned, or that she was scared for her own life, or that she had no idea where she was.  What mattered was that she was the only one there who could help Barricade.  "Fine."  She told herself bravely.  She could do this... 'I hope.'  She added, noting that she had been 'hoping' a lot lately.
Regaining her feet had been a challenge but one that she had refused to fail at.  Stumbling ungracefully over the distance between her and Barricade she looked over his frame once more.  "Where to begin?"  If his intakes were filling with fluids then she needed to get the fluid out...right?  She looked around until she located what she was assuming to be where the current problem was located, purely by the sound of it, and tried to assess what she would have to do.  It was clear from the sounds that fluid was dumping into the area but she could see no way to get it out.  "I'm going to have to cut it..." she spoke out loud but it was to herself, "with what?"  Silently she told herself that from now on she would keep a knife on her at all times, no matter what.
Scrambling over Barricade's trembling frame she searched for something, anything at all, when she remembered that she had pulled some of Scalpels razor like legs off...if she'd held onto them they'd be in his carrying hold.  "Not a good place to leave things laying around."  She realized.  Inside the damaged space she found two of Scalpel's dismembered legs and the fragment of Barricade's own armor she had ripped off him.  "Someone would think I had a bad temper."
With her crude tools in hand she returned to the sight of the problem.  "'Cade?  I don't know for sure, but I think this is probably gonna hurt..." she patted the surface where she was intending to make the cut gently before choosing one of the legs she had acquired to do the duty.  "Here it goes."  With what force she could muster she brought the dismembered appendage down.  Several things happened all at once; One: Aurian was stunned by how easily the little leg cut through Barricade's 'skin', Two: the vile little thing sliced through her own hand twice as easily, Three: Barricade screamed in agony, and Four: compressed air forced the liquid within the hold out in a violent spray of mixed fluids, covering Aurian.
"Human..." Barricade gasped, ""
Aurian struggled in the slop that had once been solid ground beneath her, spitting out the fluid that had sprayed into her mouth, "I don't know," she gagged violently, "I was just trying to help!"
~ >*< ~ >*< ~ >*< ~ >*< ~ >*< ~
"Sideswipe?"  Optimus was concerned.  The young warrior mech had alerted them not long ago that Sunstreaker, not only was near but had landed on Earth near Aurian's location.  He had then remained in a semi aware state for several breems while he reconnected to his lost twin but once that was through, much to everyone astonishment, he had been livid instead of joyous.
"He left them!"  Sideswipe snarled angrily.  'Sunstreaker your being stupid!  Go back and help them!'
'No.'  Sunstreaker was anything but pleased with his brother's demands.  'That's a 'Con and if that...what are they called?  Humans?  If that human wants to help him she's no ally of ours.'
'Slag it Sunny!'
'Don't you start that.'
'You don't understand the circumstances!'
'Sideswipe...when was the last time you saw the Hatchet?  I think you're overdue.'
Sideswipe roared in his frustration.  He understood what Sunstreaker was thinking and not even earlier this same morning would he have disagreed, however Aurian had shown him what the Decepticon had sacrificed for her.  He was not yet ready to call the mech an ally but he wasn't prepared to dismiss him as a casualty of the situation either.
::Sunstreaker, the human is an ally and is to be protected.::  Optimus sent the transmission with top priority, it was not to be ignored.  ::Decepticon Barricade is considered under our care as a prisoner and must be recovered.  Is this understood?::
::Is everyone insane on this planet?::  Sunstreaker sounded put out by it all.
Sunstreaker sent a barrage of sounds all indicating his utter disdain, ::Orders received.  Tell Sideswipe I hope he's satisfied.::
::Sunstreaker, there is more to this then you yet know.  Do your best to protect the human and Barricade until we arrive, you will be debriefed as soon as we return to base.  Perhaps then you will understand.::
::Understand?::  The young mech scoffed, ::Whats to understand?  My brother's got his processor twisted and found himself a pet alien!  It doesn't take a scientist to figure that out.::
::Pet is not the description I would choose.::
::Of course you wouldn't.::
Optimus noted to himself that he would have to discuss Sunstreaker's attitude.  The young twin had been absent from his leadership for quite some time and it was apparent.  He could just feel his possessor struggle under the weight of how much trouble the reunited twins would be, Sideswipe had been difficult enough.
~ >*<~ >*<~ >*<~ >*<~ >*< ~
Sunstreaker was not as angry as he was confused by all this.  He had been drawn to this odd little planet by some strange yet familiar force only to find that his twin was here.  Not just his twin but also Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots among others!  'How did I not sense Sideswipe?'  This above everything bothered him.
The entire time that they had been separated he had tried to reach out to his twin, seeking him in the vastness that was space to no avail.  It was painful, lonely and more then that had left him worried that perhaps his brother had not survived the 'Con's underhanded attack.
Then had come something, a tickling softness that at first he thought was insanity creeping into his wiring.  His attempts to repair the malfunction had turned out results of 'no malfunction found' and the sensation had continued to persist, growing into a throbbing feeling that made his spark leap with hope.
Reaching out toward whatever it was that was touching him only to find fear and pain, he was afraid that it was Sideswipe and had delved into the feeling prepared to reinforce his twin's spark only to find something he had never seen before.  Something he didn't even know what to call or how to describe other then it was not Sideswipe, yet it had the sense of his brother about it.
The sensation had faded only to return again some time later, stronger and filled with such pain he felt it as clearly as if it had been his own!  It was so horrid as he saw a small mech that he knew to be a Decepticon climbing all over another creature...dissecting it.  The creature had begged him for help and he had responded by pulling it away from this scene, though how he couldn't really say.  He just reached out with his spark and drew the...presence of this other creature to him and it had been so thankful.  Again it faded but this time returned very shortly in a more 'physical' sense.  It was a distorted presence that pulled and tugged at him promising him that he would not regret following it..and he had despite his processor telling him he was acting foolishly and he needed to keep looking for Sideswipe yet his spark, his very spark, had urged him to follow.
So he had arrived on this, so far cold, little planet only to find the 'creature' from before was trapped in a Decepticon base and was begging him to help.  Not that he didn't enjoy the opportunity to destroy some Decepticons after what they had done to his brother but it seemed odd to be running to the rescue of someone he did not know...even if this creature had known who he was.
Then, much to his absolute distress the feeling that had drawn him here had come racing around a corner in the form of a Decepticon!  A 'Con!  'Barricade of all 'Cons.'  He growled to himself angrily.
He had every intention of shooting the 'Con and being done with it until he had heard that desperate cry, something that now he knew had been the creature calling out his name, demanding he not shoot, and then had been washed away as suddenly he sensed Sideswipe fully and clearly.  His brother had been here and he had not sensed him!
Once the truth of it all had been revealed to him he had been relieved, for all of a klik.  'That thing was inside him.'  He felt his tanks churn with disgust.  The tiny creature that he had seen before had crawled out of Barricade's carrying hold, 'when did he have a sparkling?', covered in some kind of red chemical that repulsed him immensely.  'Maybe a 'Con wouldn't have been so bad.'  He had thought, still thought.
The feelings his twin had for this 'human' were disturbing to him.  There was a fierce dedication and desire to protect that he had only previously sensed when he had been concerned.  He wasn't jealous per say.  It was nice to know that, during his absence, his brother had found someone important to him... 'but an alien?'  More bothersome then any of it was the connection that he seemed to hold so dearly to this human, it was a bond and that he did not like.  'How the slag did he do that?'  He questioned for the upteenth time.  It wasn't possible!  Yet he himself could feel the bond.  'When I find that little...thing...I'm going to get answers.'  He told himself firmly as he trudged back to where he had left the human and Barricade.  If it weren't for Optimus's orders he would not even consider going back.
A wave of pain and fear washed through him, it wasn't the human because he had blocked that connection.  'Sideswipe?'
'Find her, Sunstreaker!'
'What's going on?'  Despite his own distaste for the creature, his brothers pure panic was driving and before he knew it his feet had picked up a quick clip.
'They're still looking for them...I think they might have found them!'
Sunstreaker reluctantly opened the bond with the human, if whatever she was sending Sideswipe was distressing his twin so badly, he would know of it himself and dispose of it.  The amount of pain he felt caused his steps to falter and for him to almost succumb to gravity.  The human was suffering pain and a fear he could not even compare.  'What is it?'  He demanded angrily.
'Energon!  Scalpel!  Barricade!'  She was shrieking through the bond with disturbing intensity.  'Scalpel!  Scalpel!  Scalpel!'  Images flashed through his processor of the small mech he had seen all that time ago crawling over a creature, this human he realized, dissecting her while she was alive and aware.
His speed peaked as he slid into the clearing he had left the two in to find that two Decepticons were dragging away a miserable looking Barricade, he was obviously struggling with them but did not have the energy to be of any inconvenience to them.
A third Decepticon was struggling with something, shouting and cursing at every move.  Sunstreaker could see glimpses of a much smaller mech scampering over the larger 'Con, laughing.  "Not forever, no!  You cannot hold out forever human...and zen ve vill have you once more.  Zis time I vill have your core for closer study!"  The tiny mech cackled.
He could feel the panic, the fear coming from the human and he caught a glimpse of her reaching through the larger 'Con's armor, tearing out wiring as she desperately tried to avoid the smaller mech chasing her.
In any other situation he might have been amused.
Quickly scanning for any further enemies Sunstreaker worked out the best plan of action.  If he was going to recover both the human and the 'Con, 'why am I even considering saving a slaggin' 'Con?' he would have to take out the two dragging away Barricade first and then tend to the human's attackers.
With his infamous intensity and daring Sunstreaker blew through the clearing.  Using Barricade as his own personal launching pad he spun through the air, his feet connecting with the heads of the two Decepticons holding him captive.  He didn't even pause to consider the mech he had just bounced off of as he turned to his next target.  The two Decepticons had yet to hit the ground but that hardly mattered.  He knew he had delivered them a harsh enough blow to take them out of the fight, at least temporarily.
What greeted him upon refocusing was beyond him.  The large mech was down, arcs of energy washing over him from his own systems as they attempted to deliver messages to unmoving parts.  'That little human did that?'  His processor was only stunned for a moment before he realized that he did not see said human.  'Where are you?'  He ordered over the bond between him and the little creature that he now held some measure of respect for.
'Run! Run! Run!'  The word just kept repeating back to him though he could sense the human was growing weak and the cry almost a sob.
'Where are you?'  He demanded again only to continue receiving the same word.
Then, 'Sideswipe!'  She called out fearfully for his twin, a desire to be saved, a longing he was all too familiar with apology?  And Sideswipe's reply to that call, no words only emotion; anger, fear, helplessness and a plea.
None of it made sense to Sunstreaker.  He was well accustomed to his brother's feelings and their intensity but to have them directed toward something else was just so odd!  And the fact that this human had feelings just as intense, if not more so, toward his twin was awkward.
'If this human is that important to you,' Sunstreaker sent the thought along with promises that he would follow through to both his distraught twin and the fearful human.  He was not entirely surprised by the sensations of pure appreciation from his twin, however the instant relief that someone was at least trying to help that came from the human was astounding.  It seemed she held no hope for actually being saved but she was eased that someone was trying.  'Try my aft.  You'll live human, you've got too many questions to answer.'
Following the sensation of the panicked human he found the woman soon enough, the tiny mech, Scalpel, was dragging her limp form through the denser vegetations.  "Got'cha."  He could not stop the grin that spread across his face just looking at the tiny mech's features race through an uncountable number of emotions ranging from rage to fear.
Sunstreaker could not fire his weapon without damaging the human that the smaller mech still clung to, however it seemed that the threat was good enough as Scalpel considered his situation and deemed it a loss, abandoning his prize for another time.  Living, apparently, was far more important to him.
Of course Sunstreaker did not let the mech scamper away unaccosted, he fired a few shots for good measure.  In a normal situation he would not have hesitated to chase down the insignificant mech, however the horrible sounds the human near his feet was making demanded his attention.
::Optimus, Sir?::  He questioned not for a second daring to let his twin know what he was seeing, ::These humans don't leak energon, do they?::
::No.::  He could hear the stress levels in Optimus's voice rising immensely, ::Why?::
::It seems this one is expelling a large amount of it.::
Beginning: [link]
Journal Entry 34: [link]
Journal Entry 36: [link]

Still running a Poll [link] your input is MUCH appreciated!

I would like to thank :iconletohatchee: ~Letohatchee for permitting me to use some of her ideas and for helping me mesh out some of my own! I owe you! PLEASE NOTE: the idea of Carrying hold/carrying used in this fic belong to Letohatchee (Litahatchee on DO NOT USE THEM WITHOUT HER PERMISSION! I have kindly asked her for use of the idea and only use it with her approval. It is rude to steal ideas from others without at least asking them and giving proper credit. *lecture over* ^_^ Thanx!

Her fic 'Night Fire' here > [link] ~Litahatchee

Also; thank you to my beta reader: FORD B. from

Note on the icon for this set of chapters! It is mine-ish. I used reference from official TF website to create it, so the image is theirs, but this rendering is mine. K? K. ... so can anyone understand the writing beneath it? ^_^;

>Hint< yeah, it is my tattoo...
© 2009 - 2024 ShinigamisPet
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